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This agreement is required to be filled out in order to board at our facility.

Please call our office and speak to a staff member regarding availability and new client deposit BEFORE submitting. By submitting this agreement, it DOES NOT guarantee your reservation. 

One form per boarding guest.

The owner is responsible for the accuracy of information given about said pet.

Is your dog spayed or neutered?
Has your dog previously boarded at any other facility?
In the event your dog gets diarrhea, are we able to fast and add our in house supplements (Sunday Sundae - probiotic/digestive aid )?
Does your dog have any health issues or on any medication?
Does your dog like other dogs?
Has your dog EVER responded aggressively, bitten, or damaged another DOG or PERSON before?
Have you been for a tour of our facilty?

To ensure that we are able to meet the needs of each client and pet, we strongly recommend clients to book a trial day or overnight board prior to the initial stay.

 - previous bite history, fearful/aggression, high anxiety/stress etc,
- stays 1 week or more
- medical treatments required, such as insulin

This is a Contract between Country Lane Pet Resort and the pet owner whose signature appears below (hereinafter called "Owner").

1. Owner agrees to pay the rate for boarding in effect on the date pet is checked into Country Lane Pet Resort.

2. Owner further agrees to pay all costs and charges for special services requested and all veterinary costs for the pet during the said pet is in the care of the Country Lane Pet Resort.

3. Owner further agrees that the pet shall not leave Country Lane Pet Resort until all charges are paid to Country Lane Pet Resort by Owner.

4. By signing this Contract and leaving his pet with Country Lane Pet Resort, Owner certifies to the accuracy of all information given about said pet. Owner also gives Country Lane Pet Resort the right to request medical information from veterinary establishment specified by Owner, as well as utilize information given by Owner for the sole purpose of caring for the Owners pet.

5. Country Lane Pet Resort shall exercise reasonable care for the pet delivered by the Owner to Country Lane Pet Resort for boarding. It is expressly agreed by Owner and Country Lane Pet Resort that Country Lane Pet Resort's liability shall in no event exceed the lesser of the current chattel value of a pet of the same species or the sum of $200.00 per animal boarded. The Owner further agrees to be solely responsible for any and all acts or behavior of said pet while it is in the care of the Country Lane Pet Resort.

6. Owner specifically represents that he or she is the sole owner of the pet, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.

7. Owner specifically represents to Country Lane Pet Resort that the pet has not been exposed to rabies or distemper within a thirty-day period prior to boarding.

8. All charges incurred by Owner shall be payable upon pick-up of pet, or when billed by Country Lane Pet Resort at the address listed on contract. Country Lane Pet Resort shall have, and is hereby granted, a lien on the pet for any and all unpaid charges resulting from boarding pet at Country Lane Pet Resort. The Owner hereby agrees that in the event the boarding charges are not paid when due in accordance with this contract, Country Lane Pet Resort may exercise its lien rights upon ten days written notice given by Country Lane Pet Resort to Owner by certified mail to address shown on contract. Country Lane Pet Resort may dispose of pet for any and all unpaid charges, at private or public sale, in the sole discretion of Country Lane Pet Resort, and Owner specifically waives all statutory or legal rights to the contrary. If such sale shall not secure a price adequate to pay such costs of board or other charges delinquent, plus costs of sale, then Owner shall be liable to Country Lane Pet Resort for the difference. All monies realized by Country Lane Pet Resort at such sale, over and above the charges due and costs of sale, shall be paid by Country Lane Pet Resort to Owner.

9. If pet becomes ill or if the state of the animals health otherwise requires professional attention, Country Lane Pet Resort, in its sole discretion, may engage the services of a veterinarian or administer medicine or give other requisite attention to the animal, and the expenses thereof shall be paid by the Owner. PREVENTION of disease/parasites is the pet owner’s responsibility. Country Lane Pet Resort cannot be held responsible for any losses incurred in the event that a pet contracts a disease or parasite while in their care.

10. This Contract contains the entire agreement between the parties. All terms and conditions of this Contract shall be binding on the heirs, administrators, personal representatives and assigns of the Owner and Country Lane Pet Resort.

11. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, or as the result of any claim or controversy involving the alleged negligence by any party to this contract, shall be settled in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by an arbitrator may be entered in any Court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitrator shall, as part of his award, determine an award to the prevailing party of the costs of such arbitration and reasonable attorney's fees of the prevailing party.   

Thanks for submitting!​

You will receive a confirmation email or phone call from a staff member once we have received and reviewed the boarding agreement.



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9:00am - 5:30pm 

*Closed Christmas and New Years day*

2722 Taunton Road, Bowmanville, Ont, L1C 7A4

We care about the safety of our staff and pets. Please drive slowly and cautiously down the driveway. Do not exceed 10 km/hr.


Here at Country Lane Pet Resort/Primitive Raw Pet Foods (2020) Inc.,

We reserve the right to change our product prices at any time without further notice.

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