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All pets must be properly restrained and brought on a leash
All pets coming into our facility must be properly restrained with a collar and leash, preferably a properly fitted flat/belt buckled collar. Due to safety reasons, we will not allow our staff to remove the following collars: Pinch or prong collars, or any constricting collars. We will be asking owners to remove these collars themselves upon arrival.
Upon arrival, all of our guests collars will be removed for their safety during their stay with us.
Bring your pets own food
We do not provide food for our guests as it is best for them to stay on a diet they are accustomed to. Quantity should be enough for their stay plus a few extra meals just incase. Please be aware that we will dispose of any uneaten food after a certain time.
Raw feeders are more than welcome to purchase Primitive Raw Pet Foods, in store, for their stay, if needed.
Please DO NOT bring bowls
We will provide all necessary bowls for water and food. Our bowls are made of stainless steel and are collected, washed, and sanitized after every use.
We will accept special bowls, like slow feeders or raised bowls if required.
Raw feeders
We will provide fridge and freezer space for your pets food. We kindly ask that every meal is individually portion-packed and properly labelled. If raw food is not portioned in this manner, we will be subject to charge a portioning fee for every meal we have to defrost and portion.
We encourage clients to bring easily consumed treats such as biscuits, freeze dried, dehydrated or other small treats. We like making friends, and this can help.
Please note that we will not allow the following: Rawhide chews of any kind, cooked or smoked bones or any parts, Greenies, Nyla bones.
While for some dogs these items are okay, many others suffer terribly from intestinal issues brought on by consuming these. It is very difficult for us to prevent these items from being accessed by other dogs at times, so we ask that they not be brought into the facility at all.
Vaccination and Health Records
Please be sure to bring your updated vaccination or health records. Refer to our requirements page for further information. If you do not have them, please contact your veterinarian and allow them to release the necessary information to us (privacy act will sometimes not allow them to do so otherwise)​.
Bedding and Blankets
We encourage clients to bring a bed or comfy blanket from home. Any bedding provided must fit into a washing machine in case of accidents. Please keep anything that you consider valuable at home, as we cannot guarantee that it won't get ruined.
We encourage clients to bring only a few of your pets favourite toys. Please no Nyla bones and preferably toys they will not ruin or ingest.
Please note, if we feel at any time that your pet is at risk due to items brought, we may them remove from their run at our own discretion.
Bring all medications with your pets name and type of medication clearly marked on the container. Please include clear written instructions indicating what the medication is for, as well as how much and how often medications are to be administered. While we will be inputting this information into our system, we prefer that we have your written instructions to refer to in the event of a system failure or power outage.
Injectable Medication (such as insulin)
All clients must provide enough proper needles for each injection, a sharps disposable container (or we can give back the used needles for you to properly dispose of at home), and medication with required dose and intervals written with specifics. A fee will be applied for all injections.
Please note we will not re-use needles. One needle per use *no exceptions*
Updated Information
Please be sure that any changes in your pets routines that relate to boarding are relayed to our staff. This includes diet changes and feeding amounts, medication, health, behaviour or bite incidents. Please be very open and honest with regard to bite history and/or about any changes in your pets behaviour that may present a potential problem for our staff or for your pet. Failure to disclose previous documented bite history presents a potential liability for you in the event your pet bites/attacks a staff member.
Pets with a Bite History
All pets with bite histories will be classified by our facility by the code colour "PINK". This means that you are the only person to handle your pet both when entering and leaving the facility. Please refer to our pets with bite history page for more information.
Emergency Contact
All clients are required to provide an emergency contact. This person listed (family, friend, neighbour) as your pets emergency contact must be able to be reached in the event of an emergency. He or she must be aware that you have designated them for this responsibility, and they must be able to make decisions in relation to your pets care in the event of an emergency. If you should decide to provide your own mobile number for this, please be sure to be available or checking your phone while you are away.
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